Saturday, November 30, 2019

Why civilization 5 is the best game ever. Essays - Software

Why civilization 5 is the best game ever. Gaming is something very essential in people's lives nowadays. Numerous games announce every month, every day. Although there are many great games out there, I personally believe that Civilization 5 is the best game ever created with these three reasons. First reason is about the game progression. Unlike many other games, civilization 5 start with just two cavemen, and everything is on you to decide how you going to develop throughout the game. Some may want to proceed into powerful and destructive country where army is placed every inch of your city; Others may develop into more civilized country where culture and history is more important than power over other countries. These kind of progression in gaming is unheard and infamous only in civilization 5. Another reason is the strategic side of the game. Every element in the game is very important to progress in the game; However, in start of each game your resource and individual strength is randomized meaning you have to strategize your next move differently every game. This kind of game playing requires great amount of pondering before doing any move on the screen, which makes your game difficult but very challenging. Once you get the hang of playing the game this way, you just cannot get out of civilization 5's attractiveness. Last but not least, multiplayer community is there to emphasize. Obviously, civilization 5 also has multiplayer server where you meet other to play games together. I found this multiplayer server so fascinating, because civilization 5 community is so welcoming and kind unlike any other game communities. When I first got the game, I hadn't had single idea how to play the game; But everyone I met on the server was really kind to teach every single element of the game. As a beginner, this was very intriguing and fascinating experience. Through the reasons I stated above, civilization 5 is the best game ever created. Although many people will disagree with my opinion due to their difference in child experience or the element of the game. I am strongly sure that everyone who will play the game will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Cherokee Removal essays

Cherokee Removal essays In my opinion the removal of the Cherokee Indians wasnt justified at all. The Cherokee Indians had settled in Georgia a long time before the European settlers had settled. Now you would think that the government would respect the fact that the Cherokee Indians were there first and that they adapted to the land first. Congress had no right to pass an act called the Indian Removal Act. This act allowed Jackson to go on with his goal of relocating Eastern Native American west of the Mississippi River. Then Georgias lawmakers decided to say that Cherokees could not testify against any white man or dig for gold in their own nation. If youre going to take away what is so close and dear to them, then you should just make them slave, because you already taken away their hopes, dreams, and pride. No person should deserve all of this no matter what race they are. The Supreme Court told the white settlers that they couldnt settle on their land, but do you think that they listened? No they di dnt. Instead they decided to disrespect their land. The white settlers caused so much pain and suffering. To end their pain some got up and left on their own. But there were 18,000 Cherokee Indians werent that reluctant to go. They were/are called the National party. Eventually they got the boot. They had to travel 1,000 miles to their new territory, and on that long journey 4,000 Indians died. They didnt even get to reach their new home. They had to leave the graves of their love ones never to see them again. I just dont get it, they caused no pain or harm to any of those settlers. But yet those settlers had no problem causing pain and harm to them. I take personal offense to this because my great-great grandfather was half Cherokee Indian and his family had to do through this. Nobody deserves to be uprooted from his or her home for any type of reason. Now if I were a Cherokee Indian back at ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Find Trustworthy Sources

How to Find Trustworthy Sources Whether youre conducting research for a book report, an essay, or a news article, finding trustworthy sources of information is essential. This is crucial for a few reasons. First, you want to be sure that the information youre using is based on fact and not on opinion. Second, your readers are placing their trust in your ability to gauge a sources reliability. And third, by using legitimate sources, youre protecting your reputation as a writer. An Exercise in Trust It can be helpful to put the topic of trustworthy sources into perspective with an exercise. Imagine that you are walking down a neighborhood street and you come upon a disturbing scene. A man is lying on the ground with a leg wound and several paramedics and police officers are buzzing around him. A small spectator crowd has gathered, so you approach one of the bystanders to ask what happened. This guy was jogging down the street and a big dog came running out and attacked him, the man says. You take a few steps and approach a woman. You ask her what happened. This man was trying to rob that house and a dog bit him, she replies. Two different people have given different accounts of an event. To get closer to the truth, youll have to find out if either person is connected to the event in any way. You soon discover that the man is a friend of the bite victim. You also realize that the woman is the dogs owner. Now, what do you believe? Its probably time to find a third source of information and one who is not a stakeholder in this scene. Bias Factors In the scene described above, both witnesses have a big stake in the outcome of this event. If the police determine that an innocent jogger was attacked by a dog, the dogs owner is subject to fines and further legal trouble. If the police determine that the apparent jogger was actually involved in an illegal activity at the time he was bitten, the wounded man faces a penalty and the woman is off the hook. If you were a news reporter, you would have to determine whom to trust by digging deeper and making an assessment of each source. You would have to collect details and determine if your witnesses statements are trustworthy or not. Bias can stem from many causes: Stakeholders ambitionsPreconceived beliefsPolitical designsPrejudiceSloppy research Every eyewitness account of an event involves points of view and opinion to some degree. It is your job to assess each persons trustworthiness by scrutinizing their statements for potential bias.   What To Look For It is nearly impossible after an event has occurred to determine the exactness of every detail. The following tips will help you determine the trustworthiness of your sources: Every writer, lecturer, reporter, and teacher has an opinion. The most reliable sources are straightforward about how and why they are presenting their information to the public.An Internet article that provides news but does not provide a list of sources is not very trustworthy. An article that lists its sources, either in the text or in a bibliography, and places those sources into context is more reliable.An article that is published by a reputable media organization or reputable institution (such as a university or research organization) is also trustworthy.Books are generally considered more trustworthy because the author and publisher are clearly stated and they are held responsible. When a book publisher publishes a book, that publisher takes responsibility for its truthfulness.News organizations are generally for-profit businesses (there are exceptions, such as National Public Radio, which is a non-profit organization). If you use these as sources, you must consider their man y stakeholders and political slants. Fiction is made up, so fiction is not a good source of information. Even movies based on real events are fiction.Memoirs and autobiographies are nonfiction, but they contain a single persons point of view and opinions. If you use an autobiography as a source, you must acknowledge that the information is one-sided.A nonfiction book that provides a bibliography of sources is more trustworthy than a book that does not.An article that is published in a scholarly journal is usually scrutinized for accuracy by a team of editors and fact-checkers. University presses are particularly good sources for nonfiction and scholarly works.Some sources are peer-reviewed. These books and articles go before a panel of non-stakeholding professionals for review and assessment. This body of professionals acts as a small jury to determine truthfulness. Peer-reviewed articles are very trustworthy. Research is a quest for truth. Your job as a researcher is to use the most trustworthy sources to find the most accurate information. Your job also involves using a variety of sources, to reduce the chances that you are relying on tainted, opinion-filled evidence.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Andrew Jackson vs. Henry Clay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Andrew Jackson vs. Henry Clay - Essay Example Both men also served in the War of 1812, with Andrew Jackson commanding forces at New Orleans and Henry Clay acting as a War Hawk from Kentucky (Davidson, and Stoff 333). However, it was through their political sparring and verbal fencing that Jackson and Clay would gain historical fame, each man trying to defend their views of what they thought best for the country. Clay supported a strong federal government with what he called the â€Å"American System†, a system of proposals that would have meant a national bank and high tariffs, along with using sale proceeds from public lands to finance improved roadways and canals, while Andrew Jackson supported the opposite, calling for a federal government with limited powers, lower tariffs, and a banking system that would be controlled by gold and silver, not paper banknotes, but most importantly, it would belong to the states. Henry Clay, in short, advocated a path for the development of America that would have kept power in the hand s of the federal government, with very little of that power belonging to any state, while Jackson advocated for the rights of states and their citizens. Both Clay and Jackson are remembered for what is commonly known as the Bank War. Henry Clay was a staunch supporter for the Bank of the United States, and he incorporated the bank into his American System, by â€Å"interlocking† it with all stages of the proposals, including high tariffs and land sales (Watson 83). Andrew Jackson, however, did not only hate the bank, he loathed the bank. First and foremost, he thought that the bank was far too powerful, as well as undemocratic, as it was controlled by private bankers (Davidson, and Stoff 335). Even after Congress renewed the charter, Jackson vetoed it harshly, stating that only states should charter banks, not the federal government (Davidson, and Stoff 335). With the power of the presidential office behind Jackson, Henry Clay had lost a great proposal piece of his American S ystem, and Jackson had asserted his authority to keep power in the hands of the states. Jackson and Clay both waged another type of war, over tariffs, which caused both men political agony. Clay was in favor of high tariffs, especially on imported goods, using those tariffs to protect domestic, or American-made, products and manufacturers (Watson 21). American manufacturers were considered to be a profitable competition for British manufacturers, and Clay wanted nothing more than to see America produce all of the goods that it needed on its own (Heidler, and Heidler 125).  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Comapre and contrast maslow needs hierarchy and equity theory, also Essay

Comapre and contrast maslow needs hierarchy and equity theory, also evaluate why organizational studies are important in contemp - Essay Example Maslow’s hierarchies of needs starts with physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs and ultimately self-actualization needs (Brown, 2007). According to the theory, the management will motivate the employees through enabling them achieve their needs according to the order. The lower-order needs include safety, social needs and job security while the higher-order needs include recognition, self-esteem and self-actualisation attained through personal and professional growth. On the other hand, equity theory of motivation asserts that employees are motivated if they perceive that they are treated fairly (Knights & Willmott, 2007). Equity theory involves the perceptions of outcomes of performing the duties such as the salary levels, the perceptions of inputs and reference person that enables the employee to compare the outcomes and inputs in order to determine whether the existing job is equitable or inequitable. The employees will respond to perceived in equities by changing the work inputs, changing the situation or demanding more rewards. In this case, overpaid employees will experience feelings of guilt while underpaid employees will experience anger (Brown, 2007). ... ory aims at enabling the management to identity the needs of employees in order to ensure their perceived job outcomes are aligned with the inputs (Knights & Willmott, 2007). Question 2 Organizational studies are important in contemporary business since the competitive edge of the business depends on the quality of people skills, structure, and social relations in the organisation (Smith, 1992). The studies examine how individuals and groups within the organisation construct processes and structures and how these structures and processes ultimately motivate employees towards high achievement. Organizational studies identify managerial and leadership approaches that fosters interpersonal relationships and contribute to high job satisfaction in the workplace (Brown, 2007). These studies enable business managers to articulate the mission, shared vision and strategy to the employees in all communications (Martin, 2001). Contemporary business environment is characterized by frequent chang es in external environment variables such as new technologies, new legislations and shifts in consumption patterns thus organizational studies will enable the managers to align their business vision and strategy to these changes. In this case, managers will be capable of collecting market intelligence information and outlining competitive strategies that aim at attaining the overall business vision (Cole, 2004). Accordingly, the studies will motivate employees through ensuring proper leadership styles that aim at ensuring team work and improving the individual employee performance (Smith, 1992). In this case, modern business must implement transformational leadership practices that consider the unique needs of each employee and that aim at inspiring the efforts of employees towards

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Public Relations Essay Example for Free

Public Relations Essay Public relations (known often as just PR) can be and is defined in a multitude of ways. A commonly heard statement in terms of public relations is ‘there is no such thing as bad press. ’ And while that statement may be true, in some cases to much PR can create a situation where a person/company becomes overexposed (and to be quite honest, seen as annoying because the public no longer cares to know about the person/company/situation but the media still is following. ) Media around the world reports the news but not just political, sports, and the like but things they feel will keep the population interested in their programming, magazines, and newspapers. In order for the media to succeed they will follow stories (the good and the bad) as long as the public is interested, when disaster strikes (a person, company, or government) they will be there and so will the public. In order for the person, company, or government to stay on the positive side of the public (of which they may need their support), the affected person/group must use the unwanted media coverage (in some cases, not in others) to their advantage. Edward Bernays (1961) felt public relations was, â€Å"†¦ information given to the public, persuasion directed at the public to modify attitudes and actions, and efforts to integrate attitudes and actions of an institution with its publics and publics with those of that institution. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) (a group on individuals whose daily work focuses on the success of public relations) does not have an exact definition of public relations but instead a statement, â€Å"Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other. (2007). One final definition of public relations is, â€Å"The art or science of establishing and promoting a favorable relationship with the public. †(Free dictionary, 2007). Comparison and Contrast Each person/group’s view of public relations’ definition have similarities as well as differences. In all instances both the groups affected by the publicity and the public are affected. The public in general can and will affect any business or person and the affect can be completely based on the information the public receives from the media outlets. The advantage seems to be in the hands of the public but some can say the advantage also lies in the hands of the person/company because no matter how bad a situation may first present itself their relationship with the public (whether pre-existing, on-going (in most cases), or new) can turn the possible problem around (i. e. turning a negative into a positive). The Public Relations Society of America seems to have the most well balanced definition (while no one can find a right or wrong answer in the area of public relations) because the PRSA defines PR as a give and take situation so that they remain balanced with one another. Mr. Bernays definition comes across as how companies/people must spin (turn around) the news in order to make any information seen as a positive in the public eye. Why so many definitions? In an area the business world that is held to so many different interpretations it is not a wonder as to why there are so many definitions to public relations. Marketing ties in advertising and the media which creates the public relations but that is only a fraction of what establishes public relations. The most important thing to remember in public relations is that most of the media attention (in fact, almost all of it) is not wanted attention (ie solicited) but awareness that was brought to light for no gain for the person or company. The person/company must then decide how to proceed in the eye of the public (ie public relations) and keep themselves in a positive light. References: Bernays E. L. , Crystallizing Public Opinions, Liveright, New York 1961 Free Dictionary. Retrieved on May 12, 2007 from http://www. thefreedictionary. com/public+relations Public Relations Society of America. Retrieved on May 12, 2007 from www. prsa. org

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Management Accounting :: essays research papers

Management Accounting II FCB Bakery Shop Executive Summary FCB Bakery is a specialty food retailer. FCB uses a system that is similar to RotiBoy Bakery to provide Mexican buns in a fast and time-efficient way. FCB provides its customers the ability to order and buy the bun without waiting in long queue. FCB is offering cheaper offers to the RotiBoy. FCB offers its patrons the finest Mexican buns, specializing in specialty coffees flavors. In addition, FCB will ensure the patrons grab their freshly made buns straight on the spot without delay. Seasonally, TDP will add other flavors such as chocolate, cheese and more flavors. FCB will focus on two markets: The Daily Commuter- someone traveling to/from work, out shopping, delivering goods or services, or just out for a drive. The Captive Consumer- someone who is in a restricted environment that does not allow convenient departure and return while searching for finger food, or where finger food are an integral part of the environment. FCB will penetrate the commuter and captive consumer markets by locating their premises in the most logical and accessible locations. The location are carefully selected in a two-sided traffic and selling the buns in less time than required for a visit to the locally confectionary shop. In addition to providing a quality product and an extensive delicious buns, to ensure customer awareness, as well as good publicity coverage and media support, we will be using word of mouths strategy based upon customer positive feedback. The FCB's financial picture is quite promising. Since FCB is operating a cash business, the initial cost is significantly less than many start-ups these days. The process is labor intensive and FCB recognizes that a higher level of talent is required. The financial investment in its employees will be one of the greatest differentiators between it and FCB's competition. For the purpose of this cash budgeting, the capital expenditures of facilities and equipment are financed. There will be minimum inventory on hand so as to keep the product fresh and to take advantage of price drops, when and if they should occur. The danger in having direct competitors would rise up and establish a foothold on a community before--or in the midst of--the arrival of FCB, causing a potential for a drain on revenues and a dramatic increase in advertising expenditures to maintain market share. Knowing these risks--and planning for them--gives FCB the edge needed to make this scenario work. The projected profits estimates a profit of $166,004 for the first year, $157,309 for second year and earnings of $147,754 on the third year. Management Accounting :: essays research papers Management Accounting II FCB Bakery Shop Executive Summary FCB Bakery is a specialty food retailer. FCB uses a system that is similar to RotiBoy Bakery to provide Mexican buns in a fast and time-efficient way. FCB provides its customers the ability to order and buy the bun without waiting in long queue. FCB is offering cheaper offers to the RotiBoy. FCB offers its patrons the finest Mexican buns, specializing in specialty coffees flavors. In addition, FCB will ensure the patrons grab their freshly made buns straight on the spot without delay. Seasonally, TDP will add other flavors such as chocolate, cheese and more flavors. FCB will focus on two markets: The Daily Commuter- someone traveling to/from work, out shopping, delivering goods or services, or just out for a drive. The Captive Consumer- someone who is in a restricted environment that does not allow convenient departure and return while searching for finger food, or where finger food are an integral part of the environment. FCB will penetrate the commuter and captive consumer markets by locating their premises in the most logical and accessible locations. The location are carefully selected in a two-sided traffic and selling the buns in less time than required for a visit to the locally confectionary shop. In addition to providing a quality product and an extensive delicious buns, to ensure customer awareness, as well as good publicity coverage and media support, we will be using word of mouths strategy based upon customer positive feedback. The FCB's financial picture is quite promising. Since FCB is operating a cash business, the initial cost is significantly less than many start-ups these days. The process is labor intensive and FCB recognizes that a higher level of talent is required. The financial investment in its employees will be one of the greatest differentiators between it and FCB's competition. For the purpose of this cash budgeting, the capital expenditures of facilities and equipment are financed. There will be minimum inventory on hand so as to keep the product fresh and to take advantage of price drops, when and if they should occur. The danger in having direct competitors would rise up and establish a foothold on a community before--or in the midst of--the arrival of FCB, causing a potential for a drain on revenues and a dramatic increase in advertising expenditures to maintain market share. Knowing these risks--and planning for them--gives FCB the edge needed to make this scenario work. The projected profits estimates a profit of $166,004 for the first year, $157,309 for second year and earnings of $147,754 on the third year.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Re: P11-2

PROBLEM THREE [Min Shan Shih v the Queen 2000 DTC 2072 – Residence] Read the Tax Court of Canada case Min Shan Shih v the Queen 2000 DTC 2072 and explain in your own words the reason for the decision in the case. Solution to P3-3 The taxpayer was found not resident in Canada for the years in question because when all of the facts were considered, the taxpayer never became a resident of Canada.His normal routine of daily living remained in Taiwan (i. e. , his work, parents, social ties, etc. ). The taxpayer’s wife and children became resident in Canada so that the children could be educated in Canada. Facts supporting the position that the taxpayer was resident in Canada throughout the years in question, 1997, 1998, and 1999: Taxpayer owned a house in Canada, readily available to him at all times, †¢Taxpayer’s wife and children lived in Canada in the family home throughout the years in question, †¢Taxpayer filed a Canadian tax return for each of the year s, †¢Taxpayer gave the family home in Canada as his address on his tax returns, †¢Taxpayer had applied for permanent residence status in Canada for himself and his family, †¢In 1996 the taxpayer and his family were admitted to Canada as landed immigrants, †¢Taxpayer maintained a bank account in Canada jointly with his wife, †¢Taxpayer owned a car in Canada, Taxpayer obtained an Ontario driver’s license and an Ontario health card, †¢Taxpayer was the sole shareholder of a Canadian corporation, †¢In 2000 the taxpayer’s wife and children became citizens of Canada, and †¢The family home in Taiwan was sold prior to coming to Canada. Facts supporting the position that the taxpayer was not resident in Canada throughout the years in question: †¢Taxpayer was employed in Taiwan throughout the years in question, †¢Taxpayer maintained an apartment in Taiwan, Taxpayer’s pay (employment income) was deposited into his Taiwanese bank account, †¢Taxpayer had a Taiwanese driver’s license and pharmacist’s license, †¢All of the taxpayer’s club, church and professional association memberships were in Taiwan, †¢Taxpayer visited Canada only twelve times during the span 1996 – 1999, †¢Taxpayer spent a great deal more time in Taiwan than in Canada, †¢The education of the taxpayer’s children was the reason for coming to Canada and applying for landed immigrant status, †¢Taxpayer never had a permanent connection with Canada, Taxpayer had always lived in Taiwan, †¢Taxpayer was a citizen of Taiwan, †¢The purpose of the taxpayer’s visits to Canada during 1996 – 1999 were to visit his wife and children, †¢Taxpayer had strong family ties in Taiwan, his parents. Based on the facts, the taxpayer was found to be resident in Taiwan during the years in question. Since an individual may be resident in more than one country at the same t ime, one must question whether he was also resident in Canada.Apart from the presence of his wife and children in Canada, the taxpayer did not have other connections to Canada which would cause him to be resident. The taxpayer did not change his life pattern in Taiwan after he was admitted to Canada as a landed immigrant. If the taxpayer had been found resident in Canada, then his world income, including his Taiwan employment income, should have been reported on his Canadian tax returns for the years in question.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Application of Moral Values Essay

There are several moral values we’ve learned throughout the whole event. Hardworking is one of the moral values that we’ve learned. The end of this event is the result of our hard work. We’ve also faced several issues and problems on the road to the success of the event. For example, some of our sponsors suddenly declined to be our sponsors, so we have to find alternative solution to overcome the problem we had. Apart from that, we’ve also work endlessly before the day of the event to finish up our preparation as soon as possible. Of course the outcome of the event must be credited to all of our team members as all of us played a part in the preparation of the event. Apart from that, we’ve also learned to be responsible from this event as some of us have provided the wrong information for our sponsors and clients. This has caused them to withdraw their sponsorship few days before the start of the event and people that responsible for providing the wrong information has also admitted and also finds new sponsors to overcome the problem that he/she had caused. Not only that, all of us has also worked as a team to do our corresponding tasks to complete this event. Throughout this event, we’ve learned to be responsible of our action. Not only that, we’ve also learned to be polite towards one another. We have been polite to customers that are buying stuff from our booth as well as our teammates that are also to do their jobs. As this event requires more sponsors, we’ve also learned to communicate with new people and meeting new faces by being polite to them. Apart from that, we are also building up our college’s reputation as we represent the â€Å"face† of our Sunway College with our way of communicating with other people. Furthermore, we’ve also learn to be aggressive through the experience of hosting this event. By being aggressive, we’ve managed to thrive in this society by taking the first steps to communicate with other people and learned how to make a business deal with a certain company as this event requires sponsors to be able to make our event into a big scale event. On the process of doing this event, we’ve also discovered several competitors hat is fighting over our sponsorship, and to defeat our competitors, we’ve learned to be aggressive than our competitors. Lastly, we’ve also learned that teamwork plays an important part during the preparation of this event. As we’re preparing for the event, we’ve learned that all of us must communicate with each other to have a perfect planning. We’ve learned to look out for each other as all of us will get tired at some point; we’ve also learned to be tolerant among each other. Without teamwork, this event wouldn’t be so successful.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mark Moris Dance Concert essays

Mark Moris Dance Concert essays There is no more musical, inventive, volatile or entertaining dance maker currently afoot......... Morris alone is infusing American modern dance with the freshness that may rescue it from a weary formula and resuscitate it for a younger generation. - Allan Ulrich, San Francisco Examiner. The Mark Morris concert is one of the most memorable concerts that I have been too. It was an unforgettable experience. Modern Dance has now come to be greatly appreciated all round the world. Mark Morris is considered as the soul of modern dancing. He was born on August 29th 1956 in Seattle Washington. During his appraisal he worked with many reputed dance companies which included Hannah Kahn Dance Company, Laura Dean Dancers and Musicians and various others. In 1980 he founded the Mark Morris Dance Group. On the15th and 16th of February 2002 the Mark Morris Dance Group came to perform at the George Mason University. It was very surprising to see that the hall was filled to its capacity. It was interesting to see that there are so many people who attend, appreciate and encourage performers such as these. This performance was sponsored by the Phillip Morris Companies Inc. Mark Morris was the artistic director, Barry Alterman was the general director and Nancy Umanoff was the executive director. The program included four main items- 1} I dont want love; 2} Dancing Honeymoon; 3} Peccadillos and 4} V. All the four items were unique and differed from each other to a great extent thus continuously managing to keep the audience engaged. The first item was I dont want to love; this sequence was very subtle and pleasant. The music that was chosen for this piece was not in English it was Spanish music which was performed by a live band. It was amazing to see how well the orchestra, the singer and the dancers were coordinated. The costumes chosen for this sequence were appropriate; they were whi ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Achievement Motivation Essay Example for Free

Achievement Motivation Essay ? What is it? This links personality with the degree of competitiveness shown by an individual. Its main focus is the extent to which an individual is motivated to attain success. Some Theories about it   Murray (1938) indicated that it was natural for individual to strive to surpass another (genetically) like trait. Bandura (1977) believed that a competitive drive was a product of learning (social learning). Atkinson and McCelland (1976) has the view of an interactionist and predicts achievement motivation is generated through a combination of personality and situation factors. Atkinson and McCelland view of achievement motivation as a personality trait which is activated by a situation, the situation comprises the probability of success and the incentive value of success. -Probability of success;the extent to which success is likely;For example success is more likely of the task is found by the individual to be easy. -Incentive value of success;the incentive value experienced by the individual after success-been achieved. For example the harder the task the greater will be the incentive value because the probability of success is reduced. There are two personality types to determine achievement motivation and these are; Linked with the low need to avoid failure (Low Naf). With these characteristic, desire to succeed overcomes the fear of failure. These performers=high in achievement motivation (high achievers) 2.Low need to achieve (Low Nach) Also linked with high need to avoid failure (High Naf). These characteristics the fear of failure overcome the desire to success. These performers=low in achievement motivation (low achievers) Characteristics of high and low achievement motivation personality traits. High Nach Personality Characteristics Low Nach personality characteristics High need to achieve Low need to achieve Low need to avoid failure High need to avoid failure Approach behaviour is adopted Avoidance behaviour is adopted Challenges is accepted Challenges is rejected Risks are undertaken Risks are declined Shows persistence and perseverance when task is difficult Curtails effort when task is difficult Success tends to be attributed to external factors Failure tends to be attributed to internal factors Failure is seen as a route to success Failure is seen as the route to further failure Aspire to mastery orientation Adopt learned helpessness Approach behaviour-describes behaviour that accepts a challenge Avoidance behaviour-describes behaviour that rejects a challenge Attribution-The process that predict reasons for success or failure Mastery Orientation-The strong motive to succeed found in the high achievement. This type of person will expect to succeed but will persist when failure is experienced Learned helplessness-The belief that failure is inevitable and that the individual has no control over the factors that cause failure. Their theory of achievement motivation is best at predicting behavioural responses in situations where there is a 50/50 chance of success. This will trigger motivation for those performers with high achievement traits=likely  to display approach behaviour and mastery orientation characteristics in these circumstances. Incentive value=high when chance is evenly balanced. In contrast to performers who show low achievement motivation would experience greatest anxiety in situations with a 50/50 chance of success— later adopt avoidance behaviour and experience learned helplessness. Approach or avoidance behaviours likely to arise when in a evaluative situation=Situation in which an individual believes they are being assessed. 1.Achievement or success can interpreted in many ways. Some performers regard success as victory over others. For example a long jump athlete winning an event. These people are said to have ego goal orientation. Those with this believe that ability and comparison over others=criteria for success. 2.Others judge on the basis of person improvement in a given task-For example a second long jump athlete may view success as the achievement of an improved performance. These people are said to have task orientation. Those with the task orientation value internal goals and believe that effort and comparison with self=criteria for success. Sport Specific Achievement Motivation(Competitiveness) Competitiveness in this context means- motivation to achieve in sport. Gill and Deeter (1988), using their own test called the ‘Sport Orientation Questionnaire’ (SOQ), confirmed that athletes were far more competitive than non-athletes. As as statement, this would appear obvious. Evidence of greater significance-athletes favoured performance goals (task orientation) while non-athletes emphasised the importance of winning (ego orientation) The type of goal set by the teacher as the measure of success in sport-related activities has, therefore, a significant influence upon the decision to adopt and sustain an active and healthy lifestyle. The important association between sport-specific motivation (competitiveness), confidence and goal setting. Achievement Motivation. (2016, May 10).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Non Invasive multislice CT Coronary angiography ( Case Study) Essay

Non Invasive multislice CT Coronary angiography ( Case Study) - Essay Example 2009) have allowed enhanced temporal and spatial resolutions, the images from which could be further enhanced with the use of image reconstruction and analysis software (Gopal et al. 2009). The diagnostic value of MDCTA is in the ability to diagnose small-volume plaque of soft consistency since in most cases (Manghat et al. 2005), since the acute coronary syndromes result from the rupture of these plaques (Manghat et al. 2005). Thus it remains to be investigated in the following case study about how these three parameters may lead to a specific protocol for imaging in the following case. This is a case of a 56-year-old man who presented to the hospital with a history of chest pain suggesting crescendo angina pectoris for a duration of 48 hours. Previous ECG demonstrated labile changes with transient ST segment elevation that settled to deep anterior-inferior ST depression. Primary percutaneous intervention was futile since noslective injection of the cusp failed to detect the ostia of the right and left coronary arteries. An echocardiography done on the table suggested features of acute aortic root dissection indicated by a dilated aortic root. It was decided that an emergency 64-slice multidetector row CT (MDCTA) would be performed, which revealed in the gated scan of thoracic aorta and the coronary arteries that there was a single coronary ostium with anomalous origin higher and anterior from the suprasinotubular ridge. From this anomalous ostium, two vessels arose, one a small anomalous left anterior descending artery and a common trunk that eventually trifurcate d into a large anomalous circumflex artery, right coronary artery, and a small septal branch. The culprit lesion was located within the anomalous circumflex artery, which proved to be a noncalcified atherosclerotic plaque. A repeat coronary angiography done with a 6 Fr Amplatz left 1 guidewire reconfirmed these findings, in which setting; a direct stenting was performed leading to excellent recovery of the patient. Comment This case exemplifies the clinical utility of MDCTA in that it could detect a rare anomaly of the coronary artery anatomy. In any other investigative modality, it would have been very difficult to detect multiple vessels arising from a location higher than usual, more so from a single coronary artery ostium. MDCTA provided the clinical imaging pathway for mapping these anomalous coronary arteries with localisation of the site of unstable plaque, and obviously, this facilitated rapid diagnosis, treatment; prevented complications; and improved prognosis (Becker 2002). Pathology: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) The main indication for which CT angiography is done is to detect and diagnose atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (Schindler 2010). This is the main cause of coronary artery disease. Normally myocardium is highly active tissue, and it is in need of continuous and consistent blood supply through which nutrients and oxygen reach the myocardium (Pontone et al. 2007). When atherosclerosis occurs as a pathological lesion in these arteries, the major physiological problem that occurs is deficiency in blood supply to the myocardium due to narrowing in a segment of the artery due to deposition of fatty plaques (Libby 2002). It has been observed that when atherosclerotic coronary lesions occur, primarily there is accumulation and oxidation of